Thursday, March 8, 2018

Get Into Sh*t

Despite the fluctuating anxiety within me and the fact that my work demands constant interaction with people such as my patients, my bosses, the administration above me, my superiors, I have to be present, both physically and mentally, be regular, be consistently articulate and try not to blabber, be right to the point, and be professional yet bear a friendly demeanor no matter how hard the person in from of me is.

I believe that the aforementioned is an essential part of a good doc's life. And I am totes fine with it.

I feel like the more I am beginning to interact with all the different kinds of people, the lesser anxious I seem to be getting.

Which is good!

In order to maintain this streak, I need to always be in practice of meeting and interacting with new people no matter how awkward the circumstances.

This is something I'd tell my old self:
Keep getting into shit no matter what. You'll only become stronger.

And if I am getting hit with that all too awful overthinking bandwagon, then I have just one thing to say to myself. "Read the last post on your blog." ☺

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Attention all daughters!

And their families, near and far. I implore you to read the following piece so that you may all be better at forming beautiful relationships...