Saturday, March 10, 2018

going superficial.

I feel like as we grow up into well-formed adults, we start going superficial. By that I mean, we stop going deep. Like we used to as teenagers.

When I was in my teens, most of the time I'd find myself overthinking stuff, trying to find meaning in life things and events, analysing stuff, picking up something in my mind and twisting and turning and rolling it in my "brain-fingers", observing things, reflecting on situations and life phenomenons; thinking about conversations, 'was I right to say this thing? How is the other person feeling? I hope she/he ain't mad at me.".
(All of this could easily be the ramblings of an anxious mind. I don't know.)

I didn't exactly have to try. This would just go on in my mind throughout the day.

The point is, I feel like we stop feeling that much as we grow up. It could be because of mental exhaustion. In my case, anyway. I feel like my mind doesn't bother to think as deeply as it used to as a teenager. It bothers me. Now, I have to make a small conscious effort to reflect on things, to evaluate my actions.

And I believe that it is crucial if you ever want to live in harmony with other people and species.

It is easier for the followers of Islam. We are required to reflect and ponder over things in our obligatory prayers. We are required to make dua (to pray) for fellow human beings. We are supposed to do it. Because if we stop doing this, I believe we lose a little bit of humanity from our existence, that we become less of a human, and more of... something else. Something nasty. Something repulsive. Something weakest.

I'd never want that to happen to me.


  1. hmmm. well all that is fine. one thing baffles me though is that why is it a capsicum making this speech and not a banana, a mango or something sweeter?

  2. to be honest, the blog title is the combined effort of a few great minds that im surrounded with. Probably why it doesn't make sense. thanks for stopping by! :)


Attention all daughters!

And their families, near and far. I implore you to read the following piece so that you may all be better at forming beautiful relationships...