Friday, March 23, 2018

Magic in this World? You gotta be kiddin' me bruh/sis.

Yep di doodle do I do believe there is magic in this world.

I think:

Expecting Magic Like a Child = Taking a Leap of Faith
Expecting magic (as a child does so often in his/her life), is like taking a leap of faith and getting into things.

On this very blog right here, I wrote a piece on "jealousy", likening this human emotion to that of a fictional ugly jellyfish. (See link here: )

I feel like some kind of magic occurred in this world the moment I began describing this jellyfish because some time later, I am scrolling through my facebook newsfeed and I come across this news saying that they have found a jelly fish living in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean!

I was like: whhhaaaaat??!!!

This is the digital drawing I made of my fictional, jellyfish:

This is what came up on my news feed:

Image result for jellyfish in the deepest part of ocean

Here is a link to that news:

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean, and the jellyfish was discovered floating 2.3 miles beneath the surface (3,700 meters). Scientists believe the creature is part of the genus Crossota, a group of jellyfish that are oceandrifters for all phases of their lives.Apr 29, 2016

Eerie Jellyfish Found Floating Miles Beneath the Ocean | Time
I had written that blogpost in 2015, I manifested this jellyfish in 2016.


So is this true, "what you think, you manifest"?
This is the magic I am talking about bruh/sis.

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Attention all daughters!

And their families, near and far. I implore you to read the following piece so that you may all be better at forming beautiful relationships...